Monday, September 16, 2013

SURPRISE! It's a Girl!

Hmmm…. I’m just going to say it, I WAS AN OOPS BABY. There, I got it off my chest. Although my dad will tell you that I was a “blessing” we all know what he really means. I have two older brothers, Ryan and Kevin, who are 31 and 29 respectively. So needless to say, by the time baby Hannah came into this beautiful world, my brothers were already best friends. Not only was I just forming sentences by the time they entered middle school, but what adolescent boys want to be best friends with their baby sister? As time went on, my brothers eventually moved on to college, leaving me at home with my parents. Since I was the only child living at home for a long time, I became very close with my parents. I’ll admit it, I was a bit spoiled being the baby girl. Now I do not mean this in the sense that my parents showered me with expensive gifts because that is not the case by any means. What I mean is that my parents gave me a lot more attention and support than my brothers. I think for this reason I prefer learning in smaller group sizes with more one-on-one attention. I cannot really concentrate in large class sizes and find that I am much more successful in a more intimate environment.
All of the time I spent with my parents definitely had an impact on my personality too. Since they did give me so much attention growing up, I think that is why I often times like to have the spotlight in my group of friends. I think without the chaos of having other siblings at home, I was able to learn more invaluable life lessons such as how to be compassionate and sympathetic too. I also learned how precious time and life is after my mom passed away. Sure my personality is attributed to various factors such as SES, the fact that I am a girl (SHOCKER!), and many other things. But, truthfully, I think birth order had the biggest influence on my personality.

My mission statement:
Find a passion and pursue it. Remember that life is short and nothing should ever be taken for granted. Spread this idea to others so that they too can live for today and enjoy the simple things in life. Be true to who I am. Be thankful. MAKE EVERY MOMENT COUNT. Reminisce about the good things in my past but look with optimism to the future. And above all, make my mom proud. 

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