Sunday, September 1, 2013

Being a Social Entrepreneur

Hi everyone!
            As I mentioned in class, my name is Hannah Scott and unfortunately I am a senior this year. I am from a suburb of Cleveland called Strongsville, where I graduated with a class of about 650 students. Coming from a large high school, I always knew I wanted to attend a big university. Although both of my older brothers attended the University of Dayton, I decided to stray from their paths and come to Ohio State. Four years later, I couldn’t be happier with my decision to become a Buckeye. OSU has given me so many more opportunities than I would have received at a smaller school and let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want to be a Buckeye?
I have many passions in life, but most importantly I love helping others. This passion is probably the biggest reason of why I hope to have a career within healthcare some day. The past two summers I participated in Pelotonia, where I rode a combined 230 miles to raise money and awareness for cancer research. Knowing that my efforts were directly benefitting another cause that I hold close to my heart was the greatest feeling in the world. Again, while I was introducing myself in class and talking about the ring I wear everyday, I mentioned how my mom passed away in November 2010 from cancer. Losing my mom in the first few months of my college career was the most difficult challenge of my life. She was my biggest support system and the perfect role model of how I want to live my life and the person I hope to become. Knowing that she is looking down on me everyday and rooting for me to succeed in every aspect of my life is definitely what motivates me. She looked at every obstacle in her life as a challenge and this attitude is something I try to apply to my life. I think that knowing she didn’t give up even in the hardest of times is a huge driving factor for me.
So enough of the slightly emotional, serious stuff. Now I am asking myself: how will I be a social entrepreneur? The video discusses how entrepreneurs have a pretty good idea of how life can be better for everyone even in the toughest of times. This idea directly relates to my passion for and involvement in Pelotonia. Everyone has been affected by cancer. Maybe you personally do not have cancer, but I can bet you know someone, have a family member, or a friend who has. Money raised through any cause that focuses on ending cancer pushes us one step closer to finding a cure. Finding a cure to cancer might not end the recession or any war that is going on right now, but it would unite people across the world that are sick and tired of losing loved ones from this terrible disease. I’m pretty sure this would make life better for everyone, so this is how I want to be a social entrepreneur. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah! I think it's so cool that you're using what you're passionate about to be a social entrepreneur and better the lives of people around you. When people go through terrible things, they can either choose to be bitter or choose to be better from it. And you've clearly chosen to be better. I know your mom would be insanely proud of you! I'm excited to get to know you better this semester :)
