Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Leadership Style Feedback

For this assignment, I chose to ask two other members of my sorority’s executive board for their feedback on my leadership style. I decided to ask both our President as well as our VP of Chapter Operations because I wanted feedback from someone who I am pretty good friends with, as well as someone who I knew would be completely honest with me.

Both girls said that I am a team player and extremely supportive of others. They mentioned that I have a big heart, I am caring, approachable and trustworthy. Our President pointed out that I work hard to learn the facts and find the best avenues to be a leader. For instance, before I was the Director of New Member Education, I came up with plans and education tools to help our new members learn and grow. She also said that I am very passionate about every leadership position I have held within the chapter and that I do not focus on any other motives other than helping the organization. Finally, our VPCO commented that although I did receive some criticism from members of our chapter during my term, I handled each situation with poise and articulated my ideas in a way that made one command respect for the hard work and dedication I set forth in my role.

As constructive criticism, I have learned that I need to be more confident with my thoughts and not be afraid to implement something that might be hard but that I know is right. I need to stop doubting myself because I do have the right mind set and a huge passion for my chapter. I think sometimes I am afraid of stirring the pot and creating opposition due to my opinion, but as a respected voice in the chapter, I should stop being timid about certain situations and just voice what I think is in the best interest of the chapter. 


  1. Hannah,

    I really appreciate the feedback that your sisters had for you. Although I don't know you extremely well, I can tell that you do have a big heart and are a hard-working person. You and I are similar in that we value the opinion of others. I also need to let my voice be heard without worry of what others may say or think. Sharing your opinion could be what makes a change organizationally for the better! Additionally, I love that your sisters commented on your way to handle critique. Despite the setbacks during your directorship, they noted that you handled them with poise. That is an awesome quality that I need to work on myself.

  2. Hannah, I think that the way your sisters presented their response is very appropriate. The positive comments and then the constructive criticism. I am happy that they were able to be honest with you and you weren't afraid to open up and ask them. I am also glad that you were able to take a positive twist on everything! You are such a positive person and I know that you will be a great leader with this new information!
