Saturday, October 26, 2013


Something I have become very passionate about is Pelotonia. For those of you that do not know, Pelotonia is a grass-roots bike tour that raises funds and awareness about cancer research. This past summer was my second time participating in Pelotonia and I made an ambitious commitment to raise $975 dollars and ride 180 miles. It is a known fact that almost every single person knows someone or has been personally affected by cancer. In November 2010 my mom lost her battle to a rare form of cancer called multiple myeloma. Watching my mom face all of the challenges that come with fighting cancer pushed me to want to make a difference for all of those with similar experiences. It amazes me that cancer affects millions of people each year, yet there is still no cure. I always ask myself how that is possible. Is there not enough awareness about cancer research and possible cures? Is there a lack of funds?

I believe in everything that Pelotonia stands for. I believe in finding a cure to end cancer. I believe in coming together as a community of people to support survivors and those currently battling cancer. I want to recognize the achievements of current cancer patients and encourage them to keep fighting and never give up. I want our community to show those affected by cancer that they are not alone and that they are loved. I believe that Pelotonia accomplishes all of these things by not only bringing in funds for research, but by also creating that support network and a communal movement to end cancer.

While reading through the chapter about the social change model of leadership, four of the seven “C’s” stuck out to me in regards to Pelotonia. The first is consciousness of self. I am aware of the values, emotions, and attitudes that motivate me to be involved in this movement. I have the personal experiences to guide my beliefs on cancer and motivate me to take action. Next, commitment is an obvious component of Pelotonia. In order to participate, you must make a commitment to raise a certain amount of money based on another commitment of how far you will ride. These funds go directly to the James for cancer research. My commitment to ride 180 miles took a significant amount of self-motivation and passion. It was extremely difficult at times but remembering all of the reasons why I chose to ride that distance pushed me further. Common purpose is another essential component of Pelotonia. The book states that “a common purpose develops when people work with others within a shared set of aims and values”.  Boom, that is the definition of Pelotonia. A group of people coming together for ONE GOAL: to end cancer. The commitment of each participant of Pelotonia towards this common purpose is beyond anything else I have ever encountered. Finally, citizenship relates to Pelotonia, because just as the book explains, there is a commitment to change that connects all individuals involved. Each participant is directly connected to the community and is involved in the effort for social change.

I would highly encourage everyone to get involved in Pelotonia. The experience I have had over the past two years are ones that I will hold close to my heart for my lifetime. I have met the most amazing people who share many of the same experiences and hold the same values as me. The atmosphere is absolutely amazing and it feels so great to be apart of a movement that stands for something so much larger than myself. 


  1. Nice post Hannah. And sorry about your mom. But this Pelotonia sounds good. I will search more about it and may be participate. I like to ride bike for fun anyway, why not make it useful.

  2. Love this post, Hannah! As a 3 year rider, I can certainly agree and identify with the great atmosphere that encompasses Pelotonia. Your passion for the movement as a whole is evident in your words here, and your actions. I too, am sorry to hear about your mother; I ride for many family members and friends who have battled with Cancer, and in the future, know that I will be riding for your mother as well.

